17 research outputs found

    Deep neural network for predicting diabetic retinopathy from risk factors

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    Extracting information from individual risk factors provides an effective way to identify diabetes risk and associated complications, such as retinopathy, at an early stage. Deep learning and machine learning algorithms are being utilized to extract information from individual risk factors to improve early-stage diagnosis. This study proposes a deep neural network (DNN) combined with recursive feature elimination (RFE) to provide early prediction of diabetic retinopathy (DR) based on individual risk factors. The proposed model uses RFE to remove irrelevant features and DNN to classify the diseases. A publicly available dataset was utilized to predict DR during initial stages, for the proposed and several current best-practice models. The proposed model achieved 82.033% prediction accuracy, which was a significantly better performance than the current models. Thus, important risk factors for retinopathy can be successfully extracted using RFE. In addition, to evaluate the proposed prediction model robustness and generalization, we compared it with other machine learning models and datasets (nephropathy and hypertension-diabetes). The proposed prediction model will help improve early-stage retinopathy diagnosis based on individual risk factors.Web of Science89art. no. 162

    Predicting breast cancer from risk factors using SVM and extra-trees-based feature selection method

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    Developing a prediction model from risk factors can provide an efficient method to recognize breast cancer. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have been applied to increase the efficiency of diagnosis at the early stage. This paper studies a support vector machine (SVM) combined with an extremely randomized trees classifier (extra-trees) to provide a diagnosis of breast cancer at the early stage based on risk factors. The extra-trees classifier was used to remove irrelevant features, while SVM was utilized to diagnose the breast cancer status. A breast cancer dataset consisting of 116 subjects was utilized by machine learning models to predict breast cancer, while the stratified 10-fold cross-validation was employed for the model evaluation. Our proposed combined SVM and extra-trees model reached the highest accuracy up to 80.23%, which was significantly better than the other ML model. The experimental results demonstrated that by applying extra-trees-based feature selection, the average ML prediction accuracy was improved by up to 7.29% as contrasted to ML without the feature selection method. Our proposed model is expected to increase the efficiency of breast cancer diagnosis based on risk factors. In addition, we presented the proposed prediction model that could be employed for web-based breast cancer prediction. The proposed model is expected to improve diagnostic decision-support systems by predicting breast cancer disease accurately.Web of Science119art. no. 13

    Ethical Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS) Development in a Metaverse Business Model

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    Businesses are starting to use the Metaverse to expand their service network and establish new value co-creation for customers. However, businesses may need to carefully assess the ethical implications of their data collection and utilisation procedures for business sustainability. This paper examines the ethical concerns surrounding the usage of the Metaverse by organisations to obtain a competitive edge. This research was based on an exploratory assessment of business ethics and a Metaverse business model. A structured literature review was selected as the study’s design to get a better understanding of the issue. This research provides preliminary insights into the Metaverse and its business ethics, suggesting that any business must have a transparent policy regarding its Metaverse applications to foster a culture of ethics. This research aims to promote a constructive discussion on the issue of ethics in the context of the Metaverse that arises when an organisation conducts a violation or misuses user data. This paper is useful for people in the fields of technology and public policy, such as academics, businesspeople, and policymakers

    Performance Analysis of IoT-Based Sensor, Big Data Processing, and Machine Learning Model for Real-Time Monitoring System in Automotive Manufacturing

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    With the increase in the amount of data captured during the manufacturing process, monitoring systems are becoming important factors in decision making for management. Current technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT)-based sensors can be considered a solution to provide efficient monitoring of the manufacturing process. In this study, a real-time monitoring system that utilizes IoT-based sensors, big data processing, and a hybrid prediction model is proposed. Firstly, an IoT-based sensor that collects temperature, humidity, accelerometer, and gyroscope data was developed. The characteristics of IoT-generated sensor data from the manufacturing process are: real-time, large amounts, and unstructured type. The proposed big data processing platform utilizes Apache Kafka as a message queue, Apache Storm as a real-time processing engine and MongoDB to store the sensor data from the manufacturing process. Secondly, for the proposed hybrid prediction model, Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)-based outlier detection and Random Forest classification were used to remove outlier sensor data and provide fault detection during the manufacturing process, respectively. The proposed model was evaluated and tested at an automotive manufacturing assembly line in Korea. The results showed that IoT-based sensors and the proposed big data processing system are sufficiently efficient to monitor the manufacturing process. Furthermore, the proposed hybrid prediction model has better fault prediction accuracy than other models given the sensor data as input. The proposed system is expected to support management by improving decision-making and will help prevent unexpected losses caused by faults during the manufacturing process

    An Affordable Fast Early Warning System for Edge Computing in Assembly Line

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    Maintaining product quality is essential for smart factories, hence detecting abnormal events in assembly line is important for timely decision-making. This study proposes an affordable fast early warning system based on edge computing to detect abnormal events during assembly line. The proposed model obtains environmental data from various sensors including gyroscopes, accelerometers, temperature, humidity, ambient light, and air quality. The fault model is installed close to the facilities, so abnormal events can be timely detected. Several performance evaluations are conducted to obtain the optimal scenario for utilizing edge devices to improve data processing and analysis speed, and the final proposed model provides the highest accuracy in terms of detecting abnormal events compared to other classification models. The proposed model was tested over four months of operation in a Korean automobile parts factory, and provided significant benefits from monitoring assembly line, as well as classifying abnormal events. The model helped improve decision-making by reducing or preventing unexpected losses due to abnormal events

    Optimisation of Knowledge Management (KM) with Machine Learning (ML) Enabled

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    The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its derivative technologies, such as machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), heralds a new era of knowledge management (KM) presentation and discovery. KM necessitates ML for improved organisational experiences, particularly in making knowledge management more discoverable and shareable. Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that requires new tools and techniques to acquire, store, and analyse data and is used to improve decision-making and to make more accurate predictions of future outcomes. ML demands big data be used to develop a method of data analysis that automates the construction of analytical models for the purpose of improving the organisational knowledge. Knowledge, as an organisation’s most valuable asset, must be managed in automation to support decision-making, which can only be accomplished by activating ML in knowledge management systems (KMS). The main objective of this study is to investigate the extent to which machine learning applications are used in knowledge management applications. This is very important because ML with AI capabilities will become the future of managing knowledge for business survival. This research used a literature review and theme analysis of recent studies to acquire its data. The results of this research provide an overview of the relationship between big data, machine learning, and knowledge management. This research also shows that only 10% of the research that has been published is about machine learning and knowledge management in business and management applications. Therefore, this study gives an overview of the knowledge gap in investigating how ML can be used in KM for business applications in organisations

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, US-PIMA Indian, and Trinidadian Screening Scores for Diabetes Risk Assessment and Prediction

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    Risk assessment and developing predictive models for diabetes prevention is considered an important task. Therefore, we proposed to analyze and provide a comprehensive analysis of the performance of diabetes screening scores for risk assessment and prediction in five populations: the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, US-PIMA Indian, and Trinidadian populations, utilizing statistical and machine learning (ML) methods. Additionally, due to the present COVID-19 epidemic, it is necessary to investigate how diabetes and COVID-19 are related to one another. Thus, by using a sample of the Korean population, the interrelationship between diabetes and COVID-19 was further investigated. The results revealed that by using a statistical method, the optimal cut points among Chinese, Japanese, Korean, US-PIMA Indian, and Trinidadian populations were 6.205 mmol/L (FPG), 5.523 mmol/L (FPG), and 5.375% (HbA1c), 150.50–106.50 mg/dL (FBS), 123.50 mg/dL (2hPG), and 107.50 mg/dL (FBG), respectively, with AUC scores of 0.97, 0.80, 0.78, 0.85, 0.79, and 0.905. The results also confirmed that diabetes has a significant relationship with COVID-19 in the Korean population (p-value 0.001), with an adjusted OR of 1.21. Finally, the overall best ML models were performed by Naïve Bayes with AUC scores of 0.736, 0.75, and 0.83 in the Japanese, Korean, and Trinidadian populations, respectively

    Performance Analysis of a Forecasting Relocation Model for One-Way Carsharing

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    A carsharing service can be seen as a transport alternative between private and public transport that enables a group of people to share vehicles based at certain stations. The advanced carsharing service, one-way carsharing, enables customers to return the car to another station. However, one-way implementation generates an imbalanced distribution of cars in each station. Thus, this paper proposes forecasting relocation to solve car distribution imbalances for one-way carsharing services. A discrete event simulation model was developed to help evaluate the proposed model performance. A real case dataset was used to find the best simulation result. The results provide a clear insight into the impact of forecasting relocation on high system utilization and the reservation acceptance ratio compared to traditional relocation methods

    Future Glycemic Events Prediction Model Based On Artificial Neural Network

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    Predicting future glycemic events such as hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and normal for type 1 diabetes (T1D) remains a significant and challenging issue. In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN)-based model is proposed to predict the future glycemic events of T1D patients. We utilized five T1D patient datasets to build the models and predict future glycemic events with a prediction horizon (PH) of 30 and 60 minutes ahead of time. We applied the data preprocessing method based on the sliding window approach by sliding the blood glucose time-series data from the past 60 minutes (the last 12 data points) as input and using the next 30 and 60 minutes (the next 6 and 12-th data points) as output. All the numeric blood glucose output data are then transformed into a multi-class classification label, such as hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and normal. Our proposed model is then used to learn and create the prediction model from the preprocessed blood glucose dataset. Four performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and f-1 score were utilized to measure the performance of the classification models used in this study, such as Naïve Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN). The results showed that our proposed ANN-based model performed better at predicting future glycemic events than other models, with an average accuracy, precision, recall, and f-1 score of 88.649%, 76.661%, 71.731%, 72.609%, and 83.364%, 60.437%, 61.345%, 60.62% for the PH of 30 and 60 minutes, respectively. As a result, knowing this future glycemic event sooner can help patients avoid potentially dangerous conditions and can eventually be used to improve diabetes management